Friday, May 22, 2009

Are You Out There? We Are Here.

One of my all time musical heroes, and more recently a literary one, Dr. Frank (aka Frank Portman) summed up a few weeks ago why he hadn't been updating his web log enough. And I want to quote part of it here because it sums up why EIGN has been missing the last few months.

"Basically, I've been lost in the novel-writing vortex. Has that ever happened to you? While you're vortexing, coming up with interesting or witty things to post on your blog is the last thing on your mind, and may actually be physically impossible." (full quote here)

And while we haven't been writing a book (yet), we have been lost in a mind-numbing vortex the last six weeks or so. I really want to promise that we'll be back with more updates, slowly, over the next few weeks. I don't like to make promises so I'm not going to. But there will be Good News Wednesday stories again soon.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Good News Wednesday - The Mothers Day Edition

Good News Moms. Have you lost a little bit--or a lot--of your figure? Are you tired of your daughter getting all of the attention? Good News! Now you can get plastic surgery to look like her.

In what has to be the freakiest story we've ever run at EIGN. A 50 year old woman in Britian spent more than 10,000 dollars on plastic sugery to look like her daughter.

Here's the before picture:

And here's the after picture:

One word of advice to other would be prosthetic Moms: Don't make the same mistake this woman did. Make sure your daughter is cute before spending a lot of money to look like her. Idiots.

[pictures via]

Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu 2 ?

Monica Hesse, of the Washington Post, writes this in today's paper:
"We are being ridiculous. We know we are being ridiculous. We cannot stop being ridiculous."
If by "we" she means the media, then yes, she's right. But, if she means the population at large, then she is dead wrong. Sure everyone is panicking at the slightest cough. Sure you've seen people walking around in surgical masks. Sure you want to either keep your kids home from school or keep your kids at school, away of home. But people... this may be the end. And if it isn't, at least it's good practice for when the next one happens.

Be afraid of getting the flu, but for the love of god stop watching television. Be scared of your neighbors, not that douche bag on CNN.